Meet the face
behind the posts
Hey, I'm Tomayah (c'mon, you can sound it out!) but I also go by Fairy (@phadedfairy). I created this website to get out my thoughts in a safe place where I'm in control. Social media is dominated by men, they moderate these platforms and drown out any woman who calls out their misogyny. I've had enough. I'm a rad-learning feminist who talks about ( whatever the hell I want ) but I have a special interest in consciousness raising, organizational work, anti-natalism, gender abolition, PIV, racism within the radfem community & much more.
However, my blog isn't just for me. It's for us! I have a member's only chat where you can message other members. I also have a forum (click more) where we can discuss whatever topic without interruption from male trolls or mainstream society. Let's come here to learn and engage. Address arguments, not people. Be respectful. White women, you are welcome but you are not the center. This space is for black women and other WOC to finally have a platform to speak, where our voices matter. Respect us, or you will be removed.